Reducing Statementing time from 10 Hrs to 2 Hrs

Reducing Statementing time from 10 Hrs to 2 Hrs

The old system of client was designed decades back. The application code was written in C++ which interacted with SQL server at the backend. This was a massive application with huge amount of code.

The design was to pick 1 account at a time, do all the processing and generate the statement pdf. As time passed and number of accounts increased, this method stats to consume more and more time and reached to 10 hours to generate all statements.

The stakeholders started to complain about this long duration to complete the statmenting process. A new system of statementing was desinged to process several hundreds of accounts statements at a time by converting all the application logic from c++ code to SQL procedures. This resulted in entire process getting completed in less than 2 hours and being very scalable for future.

Below were the main Challenges in this project:
1. The C++ code has to be reverse engineered to put it in T-SQL. This was a huge code written in several years.
2. An eye to detail was needed as there were hundreds of rules implemented in C++ code. And this being a financial application, a miss of any rule might give a big error in statement.
3. The T-SQL Code was complex because of the nature of application.
4. Detailed testing was needed to be sure that all changes implement the rules written in C++ well.
5. The new code had to be modular as many pieces of code were re-used at many places.