Rebuild Reporting Servers Every Time After Site-Failover

Rebuild Reporting Servers Every Time After Site-Failover

While serving one of the world's biggest consumer electronics producer, our teams came across a massive pain point. The client topology included two data centers across different regions and every time the primary replica in the availability group would move across data centers, the transactional replication would break and would need to be setup again from scratch.

Imagine having to setup the entire reporting (Transactional Replication) once every 3 months for databases worth more than 50 Terabytes. It would take at least 3-4 days to bring up reporting and would equate to loss worth millions of dollars for the client.

Our team of experts, identified the problem and proposed a cutting-edge solution which helped alleviate this pain forever; Replication with High Availability got introduced with Microsoft SQL Server 2016. Our team prepared for the solution for months in lower environments and made multiple attempts before finally going in and setting up the solution in the production environment.

Within under 90 minutes the entire new topology was made live without any flaws and since then every time the primary replicas move across data centers, the reporting continues to remain healthy.

The client appreciated our team’s ability of solving the toughest of business problems. We continue to serve the client happily.